What's it like living on an island? Probably like nothing you've experienced. You've got to be happy with the sound of silence and without the usual sounds of urban living. You must also be someone who can entertain yourself and not require the constant stimulation of activities provided by the typical city.
Here's a list of some of the things you won't find:
Movie theatres, drug stores, hardware stores, McDonalds, rude people, Tim Horton's, traffic lights, honking horns, freeway noise, pollution, unfriendly people, crime, shopping centers and strip malls.
On the other hand, here are some of the things you will find:
Otters playing in the sea, the thrill of catching "the big one", eagles calling to each other, deer wandering in your front yard, the sound of the wind in the trees, miles and miles of trails to hike and roads to cycle, and the time to do the things you've always wanted to do but never had (or took) the time to do.
Every home has a septic tank and most have a drilled well and/or water catchment system. Homes in the area between Boot Cove and the Lyall Harbour area are on a municipal water system. There are several contractors who live and work full-time on the island and they can provide advice and counsel when it comes to property development and building a home. Homes are usually heated with a wood stove, supplementing with electricity or propane.
There are many community activities on Saturna. The Lion's Club is a very active service organization - they provide firewood for those in need and host a Robbie Burns dinner each year. The volunteer firefighters host a Pig Roast fund-raiser. The Women's Club is likewise busy and the annual bake sale is a very popular event. The annual July 1st Lamb Barbecue brings people from many countries. If you wish, join in and volunteer at the Recycling Center or the Saturna Library.
There are also informal groups that get together for shared interests, such as the Small Boat Club and the Seaside Quilters. Although there are many things to do, should you choose, you may also wish to just relax. You'll find your neighbours are tolerant either way and their friendship and support is there whatever you choose.
Community amenities include: complete shopping at the Saturna Point and Saturna General Stores (the latter with the Post Office, Liquor Commission and Saturna Cafe); organic freshly baked goods from the Haggis Farm Bakery; regular hours at the Saturna Clinic, as well as 911 emergency service; an all-volunteer fire department with trucks at both ends of the island; a library in the basement of the church; a recycling center; various art studios and workshops.