Welcome to Dockside Jaime

We're proud and over-the-moon happy to announce that Jaime MacLean is joining Dockside Realty Ltd. as a realtor in our Pender Island office! Those who know her will know that she'll be incredible in this business. Welcome to Dockside Realty Jaime!

What inspires you most about working in Real Estate?

I'm inspired by Real Estate on the Gulf Islands. This has been my home for 15 years and to be engaged with people just discovering the islands is a privilege. There are a lot of considerations at play on the islands where real estate is concerned such as the environment, development, and the community. I want to help people form solid decisions for themselves, for their lifestyle, and for the islands. 


You’ve worked in the design and retail industry for many years. What relevant skills do you think carry over from those lines of work to your new real estate career?

I think that my past experiences will assist me in helping people see value in properties. Perhaps there is a diamond in the rough, I can help someone see the potential in a property, either for a buyer or a seller. My detail oriented nature will help sellers determine what features could be enhanced to help property sales, or to help a buyer realize the potential a property could have. I am already a 'people person', but working closely with people in retail and selling my own designs has helped me become someone people trust. Buying and selling art is a personal thing, as is selling or buying a home, I'll be a great guide through that process by understand people's personal circumstances.


Why do you think Dockside Realty was the right team to join up with?

I've known Sam and Sherrie since the 2004 opening of The Red Tree Gallery in Hope Bay. I've known them as my landlord, my realtors, and my friends. I've worked with The Red Tree Gallery since it opened, so Hope Bay feels like home for me.  Dockside Realty is committed to progress within their company, support for their representatives and everyone they work with. I've witnessed it for years and they (Sam and Sherrie) are fundamentally good people who I want to mentor me into this career. The entire Dockside team is dedicated to excellence, and I wanted to be a part of that. 


What social causes or issues do you care about most? Do you do any volunteer or charity work? 

Like most people on the islands, I care about the fragile ecosystem we live in. I do my part as a local environmentalist. I care a lot about art and music and how important they are to people.  I am a co-founder of The Red Tree Gallery, an artisan co-operative in Hope Bay. I encourage people to make art in any form they can. The way you live can be an art form, and Pender is the perfect place for artful living.  I am currently a board member at our community hall where I help fundraise and stimulate community involvement.

I like to help with seniors and children, taking care of them when it's needed and when I can. Raising my son keeps me busy and active with my own family. Connection is important so I try to make a lot of time with my family and friends.


What do you think people commonly misunderstand about realtors and the way the business works?

I have heard people say that you don't need a realtor to do real estate transactions. While that may be true, realtors have a lot of broad market knowledge and a large clientele base to reach out to. They do a lot of leg work for you. I think since selling or buying a home can be such an emotional roller coaster, having a realtor to be with you through the contracts, the inspections, the final steps and the celebration or heartbreak can be a saving grace. The realtor can be the anchor, keeping you grounded through the process, keeping you on course. 


Why should people consider moving to Pender Island, BC?

Pender is a community ripe with opportunity. For families, we have an incredible elementary school, and a strong homeschool group for families who prefer that. You can have a family doctor, go for lab work, go banking and to the pharmacy on this fine island. We have many options for groceries at home or for eating out. 

There are a lot of opportunities to become part of the many island organizations and groups that only exist with people's participation. There seems to be a group for everyone's interests, and if there isn't one, you can start one and people will join! 

Pender Island residents care about one another, and the more you sink into the communities fold, the more you feel it and become part of it, making you one of the caring people. Pender Island makes people greater people!