Dockside Realty News


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Dockside Update for June 2016

Suzi Jack is the new member of our Dockside Realty team. She's responsible for the Victoria, BC area. Read about her take on real estate and why she thinks Dockside is a great brokerage to work for. Thanks for joining us, Suzi! 

dockside realty drone image

Will you help us name the drone? Please email your submissions to or post them to our Facebook wall Submissions welcome from Pender  residents, full time or seasonal, of all ages. Suitable (family-friendly) submissions will be posted on Facebook for votes, whichever name gets the most votes wins!

The Pender Island Bike Rodeo

Buying A Retirement Property In The Gulf Islands

By: Melissa Doyle

Sandor Csepregi is a local Pender Islander always looking for a good adventure. We snapped some photos of him today as he hopped in the freezing waters of Hope Bay and circumnavigated nearby Fayne Island without even breaking a sweat!

Hope Bay Store, Pender Island, BC
Hope Bay Store is on TV!

The Hope Bay Store was recently featured in a national broadcast by Shaw's "The Daily".  We've spoken with Shaw & have been able to include the four minute video clip right here on our website!